U.S-U.A.E. Business Council hosts Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs in D.C.


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The U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council brought senior business, government, and think-tank leaders together for an in-depth policy discussion with The Honorable Derek Chollet, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, on Tuesday in Washington, D.C.  The program, held over lunch at the W Hotel, covered many aspects of the defense and security relationship between the United States and United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.), joint international coalition efforts in the broader Middle East North Africa (MENA) region, and the resulting implications for American business.

After welcome and scene-setting remarks from Danny Sebright, President of the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council, Assistant Secretary Chollet presented the audience with his perspectives on the state of U.S.-U.A.E. relations, regional political affairs, and U.S. defense and security policy.  In doing so, Chollet highlighted the U.A.E. as a key partner for American and international efforts to support the maintenance of peace and stability in the Middle East and more broadly elsewhere in the world.  Chollet pointed to the U.A.E.’s desire to acquire cutting-edge, world-class platforms to improve overall capability and  interoperability with U.S. forces.  He also underscored the importance of increased training and exercise programs with the U.S. as a positive development in an already strong partnership.

“The United Arab Emirates is a crucial partner and one of our closest allies in the region,” Chollet said.  “The U.S. is committed to a long-standing security relationship with the Emirates and to maintaining an open line of communication at the highest levels of government.  In fact, U.S. Secretary of Defense Hagel, General Dempsey, and senior U.S. defense leaders have been to the U.A.E. several times in the last year to propel this important dialogue forward.”


Chollet highlighted the important role U.S.-U.A.E. defense and security programs play in linking with global security infrastructure to protect international commerce and trade as well as the cultivation of industry hubs in the region working towards performing in line with world-class standards.  Chollet concluded his remarks by outlining areas ripe for development and growth, challenges that require further discussion and cooperation, and providing the audience with an outlook on the future of U.S.-U.A.E. defense and security ties.

Following keynote remarks, Sebright opened the floor to the audience to ask questions and to facilitate a wide-ranging discussion with Chollet.  Topics covered during the session included the opportunities and challenges presented by increased U.S.-U.A.E. security partnership, importance of alliance and information-sharing to successful security, counterterrorism, and cybersecurity efforts as well as the business community’s role in supporting the commercial side of defense.

The lunch with Assistant Secretary Chollet is one of several events on the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council’s agenda to inform stakeholders about the impact of U.S. policy surrounding key developments in the MENA region on the U.S.-U.A.E. trade and commercial relationship.