U.A.E. Economy Minister, delegation conclude U.S. visit highlighting innovative partnerships in L.A.


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The U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council, in partnership with the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Washington, D.C. and the U.A.E. Consulate in Los Angeles, hosted U.A.E. Minister of Economy His Excellency Sultan bin Saeed Al Mansouri in Los Angeles, California on Friday. The closed-door policy luncheon — supported by the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce — featured a keynote presentation by Minister Al Mansouri and a panel discussion on innovation with select Emirati business leaders accompanying him around the United States. The program was emceed by U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council President Danny Sebright and Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce Senior Vice President, Global Initiatives Carlos J. Valderrama.

In his welcome remarks, Sebright said that during his visit the Minister and his delegation have had the opportunity to meet with best in class American companies who are leaders in innovation and research and development.

“American companies stand ready to partner with the U.A.E. and build the private public partnerships necessary to help the U.A.E. achieve its impressive development goals for the future,” said Sebright.

Following welcome remarks by Sebright and also by Valderrama, U.A.E. Consul General in Los Angeles His Excellency Abdulla Alsaboosi introduced Minister Al Mansouri. In doing so, Alsaboosi provided the audience of business and government leaders with his perspectives on the status and potential for increased commerce between the United States and the U.A.E. Al Saboosi welcomed Minister Al Mansouri to his resident city of Los Angeles and expanded on successful L.A.-U.A.E. commercial partnerships prior to briefly expanding state-, then nation-wide. Before turning over the podium, Alsaboosi applauded the Minister’s decision to bring an Emirati business delegation on his official visit to the U.S., noting the importance of forging relationships between key decision-makers.

During his keynote speech, Minister Al Mansouri outlined the U.A.E.’s economic development roadmap for the L.A. audience; citing key milestones and sectors ripe for collaboration with the U.S. and international partners. In his comments, Minister Al Mansouri emphasized the importance of forging relationships with industry leaders and operating in line with global best practices to the successful cultivation of a sustainable, innovative economy. Minister Al Mansouri pointed to existing partnerships between Emirati and L.A.-based companies in the media, technology, infrastructure, aerospace and other key sectors.

“The presence of an Emirati Consulate in L.A. is emblematic of the U.A.E.’s efforts to deepen ties with local stakeholders in key markets,” said Minister Al Mansouri. “The United Arab Emirates’ economic ties to Los Angeles expand beyond important media and production partnerships to key industries driving global innovation.”


Members of U.A.E. Minister of Economy Al Mansouri’s innovation and entrepreneurship delegation discuss the U.A.E.’s initiatives to cultivate a start-up culture in line with global best practices with counterparts in L.A.

Following the Minister’s presentation, a panel of business leaders from the U.A.E. discussed innovation and entrepreneurship in the U.A.E., in the broader Middle East North Africa region, and within the context of U.S.-U.A.E. commercial and investment partnership. The panelists included: DP World-Turn 8 CIO Yousif Al Mutawa, Dubai Department of Economic Development CEO of Dubai Exports Saed Al Awadi, Crescent Enterprises Vice President of New Ventures Samer Choucair, Sharjah Tatweer Forum Board Member Jassem Mohammed Hassan Al Bloushi, and ICT Fund CEO Omar Al Mahmoud. The panel, representing companies and organizations from around the U.A.E., discussed the U.A.E.’s federal approach to fostering innovation and building an entrepreneurial ecosystem.

“Two of the U.A.E.’s global carriers, Etihad Airways and Emirates Airline, fly non-stop to L.A. — home to several American companies directly supporting record bilateral trade between the two countries,” said Sebright. “We are honored to host Minister Al Mansouri and his esteemed Emirati delegation with the U.A.E. Embassy in D.C. and Consulate in L.A. to provide them with the opportunity to engage local thought leaders on important issues.”

Minister Al Mansouri and his senior delegation will continue to hold meetings with public and private sector stakeholders in L.A. before concluding a trade mission that incorporated programs and events in Washington, D.C., Seattle, and Silicon Valley.

About the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates:

Since its establishment many years ago, the Embassy in Washington has been an important resource to strengthen and deepen the already excellent relationship between the U.A.E. and the U.S. Our nations’ complementary resources have increased economic partnerships, expanded security cooperation, and fueled innovative cross-cultural programs and investments. The Embassy, on behalf of the people of the United Arab Emirates, continues to look for opportunities to engage with our friends and hosts in communities across the U.S. Website: www.uae-embassy.org

About the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council:

The U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council is a progressive business advocacy organization solely committed to the advancement of the trade and commercial relationship between the United States and the United Arab Emirates. The Business Council actively works to ensure that the U.S. and U.A.E. remain attractive destinations for foreign direct investment by conducting effective policy advocacy, undertaking various trade promotion initiatives, providing ongoing updates on the business climate in both countries, and helping develop strategic relationships between U.S. and U.A.E. business and government officials. Website: www.usuaebusiness.org

About the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce:

Founded in 1888, the Chamber has helped to shape the region we live in today. The Chamber has been a key driver of powerhouse industries ranging from agriculture, to manufacturing, to international trade. We’ve played a critical role in the development of our region’s most significant projects including our deep-water ports, water resources and freeway system.

The mission of the L.A. Area Chamber is to ensure full economic prosperity and quality of life in our region by being the voice of business, promoting collaboration and helping our members grow. In achieving this mission, we help to create jobs, a thriving economy, and protect the current and future welfare of the greater Los Angeles region. Website:www.lachamber.com