American Business Groups Host U.S.-MENA Export Promotion Reception


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Washington, D.C. — The American Business Council of Dubai & the Northern Emirates (ABC Dubai), AmCham Abu Dhabi, AmCham MENA, and the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council hosted an export promotion reception featuring keynote remarks from the Honorable Francisco Sánchez, Undersecretary of Commerce for International Trade, in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday. The event, held on a rooftop overlooking Constitution Avenue and the United States Capitol, attracted prominent government officials and business executives representing countries from around the Middle East North Africa (MENA) region and the United States.

Gregory Golden, Chairman of AmCham Abu Dhabi, opened the program with welcome remarks underscoring the important role American business executives play in driving increased United States exports and investment partnerships abroad.  In his comments, Golden recognized the prominent government officials in the audience— including several senior-level diplomats from the MENA region, highlighted the growing commercial relationships between the U.S. and MENA countries, and provided the audience with information about AmCham MENA’s advocacy campaign on Captiol Hill.

Danny Sebright, president of the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council, provided additional welcome remarks, thanking the American business groups operating in the MENA region for playing a vital role in the recovery of the U.S. economy and Under Secretary Sánchez for his role as a strong advocate for business in the Administration. While introducing Sánchez, Sebright called him a “stellar advocate for American industry”; noting the Under Secretary’s genuine interest in promoting American commerce abroad and his extensive travel in the MENA region.

Upon taking the podium, Under Secretary Sánchez thanked the host organizations and provided the audience with keynote remarks outlining the U.S. government’s strategies and objectives for significantly increasing American exports under President Obama’s National Export Initiative (NEI).  In his remarks, the Under Secretary noted the important role commerce plays in America’s diplomatic ties with MENA countries and the importance of developing relationships with private and public sector decision-makers in those countries. Moreover, Sánchez underscored the impact increasing exports on the resurgence of the American economy; encouraging American industry to look to  the commercial viability of partnership and investment opportunities in the MENA region.

“United States exports reach $2.1 trillion in 2011— the highest total value in U.S. history— and supported roughly 10 million American jobs,” said Sánchez. “The U.S. Department of Commerce is committed to working closley with the other government agencies and our private sector partners to promote U.S. business in the MENA region and around the globe.”

Following Sánchez’s speech, the floor was opened for questions from the audience, allowing representatives from international government and industry to engage the Under Secretary directly about commercial trends, issues, and concerns as they affect American commerce in the MENA region.

Representatives from AmCham MENA are in Washington, D.C. this week to participate in Advocacy Week and hold meetings on Capitol Hill aimed at promoting increased American exports in the dynamic MENA region.

About ABC Dubai

The American Business Council of Dubai & the Northern Emirates (ABC) operates under the auspices of Dubai Chamber of Commerce & industry and functions as the Dubai Chapter of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.  The ABC has support American business and acts as a laision between government and commercial entities. For more information, visit:

About AmCham Abu Dhabi

AmCham Abu Dhabi (the trademark of the American Business Group of Abu Dhabi) is a member of the global network of American Chambers of Commerce. The AmCham mission is to promote the development of commerce, investment and goodwill between the United States of America, the membership, the American community, and the Emirate of Abu Dhabi through active membership participation. AmCham is an independent, not-for-profit association comprised of Fortune 500 corporations, small and medium sized companies and prominent business leaders and entrepreneurs. AmCham Abu Dhabi provides a uniquely situated platform through which executives pursue and discuss issues impacting business operation between the US and UAE. Substantive government advocacy programs, educational and networking programs and customized business service are just a few of the many benefits AmCham Abu Dhabi provides to its members. Through the support of its members, AmCham Abu Dhabi has become the recognized voice of US business in Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates. For more information, visit:

About AmCham MENA

AmCham MENA is a trade association established in 2005 comprised of the AmChams located in Abu Dhabi, Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, and Tunisia. The objectives of AmCham MENA are to foster increased collaboration and cooperation among its members incoordination with the Middle East section of the International Division of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, to promote greater business opportunities and free trade policies between the United States and the Middle East/North Africa (MENA) region, and to advocate for sensible U.S. policies that advance and protect the interests of American taxpayers living and working overseas. For more information, visit:

About the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council

The U.S.- U.A.E. Business Council is a progressive business advocacy organization solely committed to the advancement of the trade and commercial relationship between the United States and the United Arab Emirates. The U.S.- U.A.E. Business Council provides its diverse membership unparalleled access to senior decision makers in business and government in the U.A.E. and in the U.S. The Business Council actively works to ensure that the U.S. and U.A.E. remain attractive destinations for foreign direct investment by conducting effective policy advocacy, undertaking various trade promotion initiatives, providing ongoing updates on the business climate in both countries, and helping develop strategic relationships between U.S. and U.A.E. business and government officials. For more information, visit: