The U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council hosted a meeting of its healthcare working group on Monday, 16 September, 2024 in Dubai. Senior representatives from over 50 companies attended the working group meeting along with officials from the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi, Dubai Health Authority, U.A.E. Cyber Security Council, and U.A.E. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This meeting was also attended by senior diplomats from the United States government specializing in healthcare policy.
These U.A.E. officials provided timely updates on federal and local healthcare data policies. They discussed Federal Decree Law No. 2 and Federal Decree Law No. 25 and the implementation of these two important data laws across different emirates. U.A.E. officials also discussed the ten exceptions in place for international health data transfer, and the mechanisms for companies and individuals to work with government agencies to request exemptions. They stressed that their goal and objective is not to deny requests but rather protect data, and they offered their contact details to attendees for appropriate follow up as necessary.
U.A.E. officials also provided guidance on the U.A.E. Unified Procurement Policy and policies. The new policy seeks to streamline the healthcare procurement process. Guidance and points of contact on how best to engage U.A.E. authorities were provided.
Throughout, conversation focused on the U.A.E.’s effort to invest in research and development. Dr. Asma Al Mannaei, Executive Director of the Research and Innovation Center at the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi, spoke of the U.A.E.’s desire not just to implement international best practices, but “co-create best practices” as they do pioneering work in health and AI. Her colleagues at the DoH stressed that they will act “aggressively” to expedite requests and approvals in so far as they support the U.A.E.’s ambitions to become a life sciences hub and accelerate the discovery and prevention of diseases. U.A.E. officials also reiterated that they are open to engage with members one-on-one to discuss ongoing developments in the healthcare sector.
U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council President Danny Sebright closed the meeting by providing updates on the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council’s healthcare programming schedule. Sebright discussed the Council’s plans for Arab Health in January and Abu Dhabi Global Healthcare Week in May as well as BIO.
The healthcare working group also provided members an opportunity to engage with new and existing healthcare officials assigned to the U.S. Mission in the U.A.E., including Bryn West, Nicole Sbitani, and Bruce Ellsworth. Bryn West is the new Foreign Service Officer charged with heading the U.S. Mission’s healthcare working group and will be working on leading policy initiatives and coordinating across the U.S. Mission on health issues with Nicole Sbitani in Dubai. Bruce Ellsworth continues to be is the main point person for U.S. companies as the lead on healthcare commercial advocacy and responding to concerns raised by U.S. companies.
For more information about this meeting and the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council’s healthcare and life science programming, please contact Adam Karadsheh at akaradsheh@usuaebusiness.org. For more information about the U.A.E. healthcare sector, please view the Business Council’s sector here.