U.S. Energy Secretary Dr. Steven Chu Addresses Business Council Forum


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Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

U.S. Secretary of Energy Dr. Steven Chu addressed a U.S. commercial nuclear energy trade mission delegation today in Abu Dhabi, led by the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council and the Nuclear Energy Institute.  U.S. Ambassador Richard Olson introduced Dr. Chu at the event which was held at the Emirates Palace Hotel, and Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation CEO Mohammed al Hammadi hosted and presided over the event. The U.S. commercial delegation consisted of representatives from 40 American companies who were in Abu Dhabi to explore the potential for future partnerships and business with ENEC and its partner the Korean Electric Power Corporation.

Secretary Chu commended U.A.E. leadership and praised the country’s commitment to an open, transparent, and safe nuclear energy program.  He called the U.S.-U.A.E. 123 Agreement for cooperation on civil nuclear energy a model agreement. Later in the day he inked a new agreement between the U.S. and the U.A.E. to expand scientific and technical cooperation in the nuclear energy arena.  The U.A.E.’s nuclear energy program will help the country meet its long term electricity demand and reduce carbon emissions.  The U.S. is interested in promoting responsible expansion of the nuclear power industry around the world.

Secretary Chu was also in the U.A.E. to discuss increased cooperation on renewable and sustainable energy sources such as solar and wind.  He delivered a public address at an event hosted by the Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company MASDAR.  The CEO of MASDAR Dr. Sultan al Jaber hailed Dr. Chu as a visionary in his field and expressed his deep appreciation for U.S.-U.A.E. cooperation in these areas.

Dr. Chu’s address today in Abu Dhabi marks the third address by an Obama Administration Cabinet official as a guest of the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council.  Previously, Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner and Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke have made major policy addresses at forums hosted by the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council.