U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council Masdar Lunch


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Washington, DC

As part of the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council’s Clean Energy Initiative, the Business Council hosted Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, Chief Executive Officer, Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar) for a lunch and discussion on Tuesday, December 1st.

The U.A.E. has placed a major priority on development in an environmentally sustainable manner.  The Masdar Initiative for instance, will be the world’s largest zero carbon, zero waste project; housing an estimated 50,000 people and signifying an investment of $22 billion. It is important to note that while the U.A.E. is one of the world’s largest producers of carbon-based energy, it is quickly emerging as a world leader in funding the research and development of alternative and green sources of energy.

At the Business Council event, Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber discussed the steps taken for the Masdar project to become a reality and urged the participants to personally visit the development to experience the future of environmentally sustainable cities. Dr. Al Jaber went on to announce an upcoming conference in Abu Dhabi, The World Future Energy Summit starting on January 18th and concluding on January 21st. The World Future Energy Summit brings together the world’s leading minds in the sustainable energy sector. For more information on participating in the summit, either through sponsorship or attendance please visit:www.worldfutureenergysummit.com/.

Going into further detail on Masdar’s current partnerships and clean technology projects, Mr. Omar Zaafrani, Executive Business Relations Officer for Masdar described the new clean energy technologies being constructed, as well as the current investment fund ($250 million) and possibility for a new fund to be created in the coming weeks.