
داني سبرايت لـ«العين الإخبارية»: زيارة رئيس الإمارات لواشنطن تطلق آفاق الشراكة التكنولوجية
«ملفات الاقتصاد ستستحوذ على نصيب الأسد»
- September 22, 2024

رئيس مجلس الأعمال الأميركي الإماراتي لـ CNBC عربية: 9.5% زيادة بإجمالي التجارة بين البلدين خلال النصف الأول
قال رئيس مجلس الأعمال الأميركي الإماراتي، داني سيبرايت، إن العلاقات التجارية بين الولايات المتحدة الأميركية ودولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، واصلت نموها في النصف الأول من العام الجاري 2024، بزيادة بلغت 9.5% (فيما يخص إجمالي التجارة)، مشيراً إلى أنه من المرجح أن يتم الإعلان عن صفقات تجارية جديدة بينهما، على هامش الزيارة المرتقبة للرئيس الإماراتي محمد بن زايد إلى واشنطن
- September 21, 2024

UAE President on historic visit to US: Top official reveals what's on the agenda
he UAE plays a significant role in the Middle East and is a valued partner for the United States with the two countries looking to benefit from robust bilateral cooperation across various issues.
- September 22, 2024

WGS, a crucial platform for addressing global challenges: President of US-UAE Business Council
(WAM) -- Danny Sebright, President of the US-UAE Business Council, stressed the significance of the World Governments Summit (WGS) as a pivotal forum uniting global thought leaders and decision-makers.
- February 13, 2024

COP28 an opportunity for countries to better rein in climate change: President of US-UAE Business Council
(WAM) -- Danny E. Sebright, President of the US-UAE Business Council, said that COP28 is an opportunity for countries to better rein in climate change through tools such as finance, technology, and capacity-building.
- December 8, 2023

Fast Five With U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council President Danny Sebright
Danny Sebright, president of the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council, spoke with Aviation Week editors about the countries’ evolving relationship in defense and aerospace. Excerpts follow. The U.S.-UAE relationship got pretty rocky last year.
- June 23, 2023

Florida's ties to the UAE deepen across the Sunshine State
The sunny US state of Florida, famed for attracting retirees, its oddball news stories and for being the home of polarizing politicians including Donald Trump, is forging ever closer business ties to the UAE.
- June 13, 2023

Bilateral Business Councils Announce Creation of I2U2 Business Coalition
The UAE-India Business Council, the UAE-Israel Business Council, and the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) today to promote the I2U2 Initiative and garner private sector support for this new economic partnership among India, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States.
- April 20, 2023

Business councils promote pact linking UAE, Israel, India and U.S.
A joint campaign by India, Israel, the United Arab Emirates and the U.S. to stimulate trade is picking up momentum.
- April 20, 2023

US, India, UAE, Israel Announce Creation of I2U2 Joint Business Coalition
Senior officials from the United States, India, Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) oversaw on Wednesday the signing of a memorandum of understanding to create a joint business coalition to promote the so-called I2U2 initiative, a partnership focused on economic development and food security amid global climate change.
- April 20, 2023

إطلاق تحالف أعمال I2U2.. تعميق التعاون الإماراتي مع الهند وإسرائيل وأمريكا
سلط موقع "المونيتور" الضوء على توقيع مسؤولين كبار من الولايات المتحدة والهند وإسرائيل والإمارات، الأربعاء، على مذكرة تفاهم لإنشاء "تحالف أعمال مشترك" لتعزيز مبادرة I2U2، وهي شراكة تركز على التنمية الاقتصادية والأمن الغذائي وسط التغيرات المناخية العالمية
- April 20, 2023

Worldwide businesses embrace new UAE working week hours
Business Council President Danny Sebright speaks with The National about changes to the U.A.E. workweek.
- December 21, 2022

A ticket to the future: Utah visits Dubai
The U.S.-UAE Business Council hosts a reception with the Utah delegation.
- September 24, 2022

Utah Trade Mission Led by Governor Spencer J. Cox Visits the United Arab Emirates to Develop Economic Partnerships and Joint Cooperation Projects
The Utah delegation trip to the U.A.E. organized in collaboration with the State of Utah Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity, World Trade Center Utah, and the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council
- September 21, 2022

UAE a global business centre that attracts American companies
Danny E. Sebright, President of the US-UAE Business Council, pointed out that enhancing the cooperation between the UAE and the United States will expand and develop the volume of trade exchange and mutual investments.
- September 19, 2022

Utah trade mission delegation explores new partnerships in UAE
A delegation from the US State of Utah discussed establishing new economic partnerships with the UAE during a meeting held in Dubai and organised by the US-UAE Business Council, the State of Utah Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity and the World Trade Centre Utah.
- September 17, 2022

UAE Minister of State for Foreign Trade Participates in SelectUSA Investment Summit, Meets US Commerce Secretary and Governor of Michigan
The Minister delivered a keynote speech at a business luncheon hosted by the U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council, participated in a public discussion hosted by the Abraham Accords Peace Institute attended by experts from the think tank community, and met with congressional leaders from the newly formed Abraham Accords Caucus.
- June 7, 2022

US-UAE Business Council president identifies 'tremendous potential' for further growth
Business Council President Danny Sebright speaks with WAM about the Council’s efforts to enhance ties between the United States and the U.A.E. in healthcare, energy sustainability, space, advanced manufacturing, and the digital economy.
- May 27, 2022

Iran-backed attacks are further driving UAE-Israeli defense tech development
Business Council President Danny Sebright speaks with Defense News about the Abraham Accords, U.S. arms sales, and opportunities for trilateral defense cooperation between the U.S., U.A.E., and Israel.
- February 21, 2022

U.S. intends to move forward on F-35 sale to UAE, U.S. official says
Business Council President Danny Sebright speaks to Reuters about possible F-35 sales to the U.A.E.
- November 26, 2021

Agriculture, healthcare, and technology in focus as Missouri Governor visits UAE
The US-UAE Business Council and AmCham Abu Dhabi co-host a small luncheon on Tuesday, 15th November, in Dubai in honor of a delegation of Missouri officials, business leaders, and community partners led by Missouri Governor Michael L. Parson.
- November 16, 2021

Abu Dhabi’s dilemma: Will the UAE ever operate the F-35?
Business Council President Danny Sebright talks with Defense News about the U.S.-U.A.E. defense and security relationship.
- November 8, 2021

UAE's Mubadala chief rejects that US-China is a ‘zero-sum game’
Coverage of the Business Council's event in Washington DC featuring Khaldoon Al Mubarak, chief executive of Mubadala.
- October 08, 2021

UAE and US boost ties in areas of digital economy, innovation
HE Abdullah Bin Touq Al Marri and HE Dr Thani Bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi meet with the UAE-US Business Council in Washington, DC, during the high-level UAE delegation’s visit to the United States.
- September 24, 2021

‘Unparalleled demand’ from US firms looking to move talent to Dubai, says DIFC Governor
DIFC, Standard Chartered Bank and the US-UAE Business Council hosted a discussion on Dubai’s role as a global business hub and the efficacy of the centre’s platform in attracting top firms and talent.
- July 1, 2021

Dubai Mars City to have a space robotics facility
A webinar co-hosted by the US Commercial Service and the US-UAE Business Council on Dubai Mars City.
- June 30, 2021

Israel, UAE's emerging ties have 3 legs: Diplomacy, business and culture
Business Council President Danny Sebright speaks with The Jerusalem Post about ties between Israel and U.A.E.
- March 10, 2021

US-UAE Business Council names Tomislav Mihaljevic, CEO, President of Cleveland Clinic
The U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council names Dr. Tomislav Mihaljevic, Chief Executive Officer and President of Cleveland Clinic, as Co- Chairman of its Board of Directors. Dr. Mihaljevic joins H.E. Waleed al Mokarrab Al Muhairi, Deputy Group CEO of Mubadala Investment Company, who serves as Co-Chairman of the Council.
- February 22, 2021

US-UAE space cooperation a ‘win-win’, says Business Council president
President Danny Sebright discusses with Arabian Business how increased collaboration in space exploration is likely to create business opportunities for US firms in the UAE
- February 4, 2021

U.S. Pavilion Expo 2020 reveals new details and ways to participate
Updated and newly revised plans for the US Pavilion were showcased during a video conference recently hosted by the Meridian Center and the US-UAE Business Council.
- June 23, 2020